Personal Branding

For my personal brand identity, I wanted to emphasize my versatility. I am both highly creative and extremely analytical, but I thrive in the intersection of the two. My personal logo was born from this idea. For example, blue is and erudite color, often associated with knowledge and learning, while orange is a much more creative color. Both sides work together though, which is why the blue side of the brain has spots of orange, and the orange side has spots of blue. This theme of duality continues to present itself in the typography used. I chose Ubuntu as my header font because it is bold and impactful. Comfortaa on the other hand is very round and bubbly, which felt suitable for my main body text. Below are some pictures of my process, specifically in the creation of my logo and finally my style guide.

Boca Capital Partners Re-Branding

While working in the marketing department at Grubbrr, I often found myself working on projects for TouchSuite and Boca Capital Partners - two other companies housed under our roof - as well. One of my biggest projects was re-branding Boca Capital Partners for the 2021 tradeshow season. Navy blue was chosen as the primary color since it is often associated with trust and reliability, and Avenir Next was chosen as the company's main font for its clean, classic structure. Below are pictures of some of the products I designed and ordered for the tradeshows with these new brand standards.

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